“In 2020, in spite of the challenging circumstances, we were able to sell and deliver 65 new Porche vehicles to the B&H market. We’ve always been able to adapt to the new circumstances thanks to our can-do attitude.”

Interviewed by: Elma Zećo
Photos by: Irfan Redžović
He has built his career in one of the most prestigious business branches—the automotive industry. He knew right from the start, 14 years ago, that his love for the work he did would only grow in time. And even though he could not have imagined that one day his name would be linked with a globally renowned brand—Porche—his willingness to work tirelessly and face challenges, and his experience and expertise led him to the position he holds right now, and rightly so.
A can-do Attitude
You’ve been the Porsche BiH Brand Manager for more than ten years. The Porsche name has become synonymous with high-performance sports cars. What are the top traits a brand manager needs to have to remain in this role?
– The role I’m in really does require adaptability, a long-term quality and image creation focus relating to the Porche name, the right frame of mind and charisma, an honest and open approach to customers in all business aspects, and, by all means, a readiness to live the brand 24/7.

Who’s always been your inspiration to do better?
– I think of inspiration in many different ways. I always start and everything always starts with the family, but I’m also inspired by distinguished figures in the automotive industry who have a specific goal in sight and are able to achieve it.
The pandemic has had a strong impact on business over the past year. How has Porche responded to the new circumstances?
– The pandemic took us by surprise at the beginning of 2020, but we responded quickly to the new circumstances. We made it possible for customers to purchase new cars online, and we also implemented a new way to service our customers’ cars without contact with the staff. This allowed us to get back on track. In 2020, in spite of the challenging circumstances, we were able to sell and deliver 65 new Porche vehicles to the B&H market. We’ve always been able to adapt to the new circumstances thanks to our can-do attitude.”
What are the most popular Porche models in our market?
– In the SUV segment, the Cayenne/Coupe and the Macan models; in the sports segment, the 911 model, which is an iconic Porche brand, the II generation Panamera G2 model, and last but not least the 718 Cayman and Boxster models.

Being Different From Others
Porsche focuses on value-generating growth. What are the most important Porche values at the moment?
– Porsche has always invested in developing its values. Image matters, but being different from other exclusive brands matters too. We’ve got a different outlook on brand development and customers we sell our cars to. We want to be special, and we are special. Porche symbolises quality, power and luxury.
Car manufacturers have faced a huge challenge because of the transition to e-mobility and production and process digitalisation. What does Porche plan to achieve with its innovative production processes?
– The Porsche Taycan is the first electric Porsche and it’s crucial for us. We’ve invested EUR 6 billion in its development. Now our task is to promote and sell as many Taycans as we can. We want to convince our customers that this is the best Porche to buy. So far this year, we’ve sold two Taycans, but there are also two cars our customers can take for a test drive. I need to point out that the Volkswagen Group has set a clear goal with respect to these projects. It’s expected half of the Porsche models delivered will be electrified in 2025, while it’s forecast that this figure will increase to more than 80% in 2030.

What was the most successful campaign you’ve implemented in B&H?
– We’re actually really proud of several campaigns that we’ve implemented, and they include the following: Porsche Road Tour or Experience, Porsche on Track which was launched at the Formula 1 Istanbul Racing Circuit, and New Model Promotion. We’ve got high expectations of the promotional campaign we plan to launch this year called Taycan Cross Turismo, and of the campaign to promote the third-generation Macan.
What are you working on now?
– The automotive industry is shifting its focus towards the electric vehicle segment. We’re putting a lot of effort on helping customers discover the benefits of having an electric car. Some people believe electric cars are the future, but I believe they are the present. It’s an ongoing project. We’re also always working on strengthening the image of the Porche brand in B&H.
Family Provides the Foundation for Your Success
Who supports you the most when it comes to work?
– You can’t be fully focused on work if you’ve got private issues. Family provides the stability you need and the foundation for your success. Everything else comes down to effort, order and discipline, and if you have that, you can achieve your sales goals. You’ve got to focus your attention on two things: achieving car sales targets and financial results.
What do you do to relax after a long day at work?
– You need to be able to “switch yourself off” in the turbulent times of today’s business world and refrain from expressing your emotions. I replenish my energy after work by engaging in various activities that bring me joy. That’s how I get ready for the next work day which is always planned in advance. My schedule’s always full, and when a sudden change happens, it’s important to be flexible and adaptable to complete the most important task on the schedule at a given moment.
Where do you spend your summer holidays?
– Never in the same place. But, I always keep my eye on what’s on offer and at what cost and what can be expected based on that. It’s essential to have an adequate place to go depending on the purpose of the trip. Planning a family trip is rather complex because there are several factors at play. Going to the seaside can be relaxing, but sometimes it’s not. I’m used to spending my summer holiday on the Adriatic coast, but always in a different town. It might be different this year…
What makes you happy?
– Staying healthy and having a family. If you have that, and if you move forward with one success after another, then you’re even more fulfilled at the end of the day. You’re satisfied and you care about what you do. I love my job, and that’s something that makes me happy too.